Parent Guides
Phase 3 Phonics
This video is to help you support your child reading phase 3 phonic books at home. Please refer back to this video to remind you of the phase 3 sounds and the correct pronunciation.
Phase 2 Phonics
This video is to help you to read phase 2 phonics books. You can refer back to the sounds that we model at the beginning of the video as much as you like to familiarise yourself with the sounds that they will be learning.
Phonics Vocabulary Boards
We will also send home a phonics vocabulary board each week. They explain words that the children will be reading with a picture to help with understanding. Even if your child is not new to English they can practise their phonics. Use the mantra we use with the children at home to help them understand how to read ; "look at the letters, make the sounds and blend the sounds together."
Lilac Book Parent Guide
This is a video to help you understand how to read lilac books, that have no words, with your child at home. We understand that some children can already read however, this is to support your child to find pleasure in reading and help with their comprehension (understanding). Your child will take these home for around two weeks and then they will start to take home a reading book with words.