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Designated Specialist Provision (DSP)

Superstars DSP (ASD)


SEND specialist teacher



DSP Provision

The main aim of a DSP is to provide additional specialist support for the pupils, to enable them to access the curriculum. The children in a DSP have their time split between mainstream lessons and activities and the DSP. The pupils integrate into mainstream lessons and activities when they are ready and it is felt appropriate.

Our DSP provision is for pupils with 14 pupils with ASD.  The aim of the school is to provide a unit which is part of the wider school so that children attending are included in activities and opportunities. That is: we aim to provide an inclusive provision as far as it safe and appropriate for the pupils. The provision is in 2 classrooms at one end of the school which whilst being necessarily secure will be adjacent to groups and classes of children learning in the mainstream school.

Aims of the provision is to provide an inclusive resource where pupils can receive quality first teaching  from staff with expertise regarding the pupils’ educational needs alongside the opportunities, activities and experiences of a mainstream school.  The inclusive ethos promotes a valuable learning environment for the whole school and wider community.

The provision is supported by the relevant agencies who provide the advice, support and expertise to ensure all the pupils achieve their potential.


Places in the DSP are allocated through collaboration with the Local Authority. The final decision to allocate a place is not the decision of the school but of the Local Authority.

Our Expertise

At Stokes Wood, teachers and Teaching Assistants have been teaching, supporting and nurturing pupils with ASD in our mainstream setting. Staff are experts in this field, having experience  and training  which enables them to  support pupils to make the expected progress and achieve their potential. The SENCo has AET training to Level 3 and has used AET progression framework which can be used to support target setting and monitoring small step progress, specifically aimed at children with Autism. The supporting staff also have been trained in the basic level of AET.

Our Facilities

The ethos at Stokes Wood promotes acceptance and celebration of diversity and difference. Every child is welcome at Stokes Wood Primary School. There are NO OUTSIDERS!

The DSP unit provides a range of facilities from sensory room, to kitchenette, individual work stations, wet play area, outdoor play areas as well as all the facilities available to the mainstream pupils.

Pupils take part in SEND sporting events to represent the school. The school takes part in these events and celebrates the teams’ successes in celebration assemblies which all pupils attend weekly on a Friday. Pupil of the Week certificates are awarded to pupils in the DSP in the assemblies as they are for all pupils.

How we work in partnership with parents/carers and families

Stokes Wood highly values the partnership we share with parents, carers and families. We have an open door policy where parents can meet with the head teacher, a member of the pastoral team or DSP unit, in most cases immediately. 
All parents are welcome to visit before their child starts to visit the unit and wider school. Parents are invited to various  events and activities and we encourage parents to attend. Some of these are in school time and some are after school

What the children will study

Our curriculum will build on the strengths and interests of each child. Within the DSP we will provide a broad and balanced curriculum covering all National Curriculum subjects, at a level appropriate for each individual.  This will be linked to the child’s EHCP recommendations and advice from external agencies alongside our own professional judgements and expertise.

Setting Targets/Individual Education Plans (IEP)

When we receive the children EHCPs, we look in depth at children’s targets and needs for the next academic year. Through these targets we introduce different interventions and set all learning to the needs of the child. When teaching lessons, children are supported with visuals, equipment, manipulatives and set targets to meet in the school day.

Behaviour support

Each child has their own positive behaviour plan as required. This is signed and completed with the parents, ensuring all the children’s likes and dislikes are known by the staff in the classroom. De-escalation will be used at all times, children will have calming areas in the classroom, safe spaces and a visual to use if they need time away / breaks from the activity they are completing.


Children are supported with social stories to attend appropriate trips both from within the DSP setting and also with their peers in the mainstream classes. Sufficient time is taken to prepare the children. The DSP staff visit venues before trips take place to take extra photos and find out the necessary information in order to support children really well and valuably on the trip.

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