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We expect children to attend school regularly, be on time and be prepared for the day.

All children are entitled to a full-time education, and we know that children with good attendance do better at school. At Stokes Wood we work together with parents and carers to ensure that all children achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality.

At Stokes Wood we are committed to raising attendance levels, in order to ensure that each and every pupil achieves their full potential. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between attendance and achievement. Pupils with good levels of attendance generally are the pupils who make the most progress and achieve the best exam results in the future.

At Stokes Wood, our attendance target is 96% for the academic year.


If you would like to discuss any issue that would prevent your child from attending school at any time, please speak to the school office. Miss Williams is the Senior Leader responsible for attendance at Stokes Wood.