To encourage a sense of belonging, and for children to take pride in how they look, we expect all pupils to wear the correct uniform when they come to school and for PE.
Our uniform colour’s are BLUE and BLACK.
School sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces with the school logo may be purchased from school.
Order and pay online using SCOPAY and collect from the office.
Uniform without the school logo can be purchased from a range of supermarkets.
Children with pierced ears should wear a small stud earring or a small sleeper which must be removed or covered for P.E. and swimming. We advise that children do not wear jewellery for health and safety reasons unless it is a religious requirement. It would be helpful if parents remove earrings/studs on PE days or send in micropore tape to cover them. Thank you.
Boys and girls with long hair MUST tie it back to avoid hair hanging in the eyes/face of themselves or others.
PE Kit:
Swimming (Year 5 and 6 only):
- Towel
- Full swimming costume or trunks
- Swimming hat
- Goggles (may be worn with a permission letter)