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Year 1

Mrs R Harrison Lead Teacher
Miss S Brooksbank Teacher - Job Share
Mrs K Farah Teacher - Job Share
Mrs A Ramsell Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Smith Teaching Assistant
Mrs T Bagley Teaching Assistant
Ms M Suria Teaching Assistant
Miss Z Koyuncuoglu Teaching Assistant


Curriculum content overview

Curriculum content for Year 1

Our Recent Learning

Community Walk

As part of their Geography curriculum, Year 1 children went on a community walk. They looked at the features of the environment around them as the walked around the  estate. They also talked about walking safely on pavements and about crossing roads safely.

Parents’ reading workshop and live lesson

Parents were invited in to take part in a workshop which would help them support their children with reading. They then watched a lesson delivered by Mrs Ciftci. It was great to see so many parents there.

Visit to Newarke Houses Museum

As part of their history topic about toys and how they have changed over time, the Y1 children visited Newarke Houses. They saw a wide range of toys from Victorian times to toys that the children’s and grandparents played with. No electronic devices in sight…. How fantastic!! 😊
They also investigated other parts of life from when grandparents were young… shops for example.