View our safeguarding statement

At Stokes Wood the safeguarding, welfare, physical and emotional well-being of our children and their families are a priority. As such, any concerns which contradict this will be acted on immediately.

School Council

Gardening Club

The children are working hard and growing all sorts of vegetables and other produce in our own school plot and in our allotment plot too. Galaxy, Little Oaks and Superstars children are joining the gardening club in the Growing Project with Lisa Didier, where they will grow their produce and then sell it on Leicester Market!

Energy Sparks Case Study

Energy Sparks case Study

Layer-up Power-down day

On 16th February, we switched off the heating. Children and staff layered up as you can see. No -one felt cold. Stokes Wood pupils, staff and governors  support all efforts to address climate change .

Stokes Wood ECO Warriors

Following the reviews our Eco Warriors have chosen to focus on: Energy, School Grounds and Biodiversity please click on the photo to follow their reviews.

School Council minutes 19/01/2024

School Council minutes

Child Friendly Anti-Bullying leaflet

School Council minutes 15/12/2023

School Council minutes

ECO Roadshow and Power Down Layer Up day

Our school council members in Year 3 and 4, together with Miss Willams and 6 other children attended an ECO Roadshow at Gateway College. They took part in a range of activities including collecting mini beasts from their habitats and also discussing ways in which we can save energy at school ( switching off lights and electrical appliances, removing posters from windows to let in more natural light, closing doors etc) When they got back they told the rest of KS2 all about it in assembly.
Back at school , we switched the heating off for the day and everyone wore an extra layer of clothing. No-one was cold.

Anti-Bullying week

This week was Anti-bullying Week where we were stressing the importance of making a noise about bullying so that if someone is being bullied, a trusted adult or friend can help to sort it out. Don’t suffer bullying in silence… tell someone and STOP bullying happening. KS2 worked with a drama company on the practical application of anti-bullying strategies. Year 5 also took part in some workshops after the excellent performance.

School Council minutes November 2023

School council minutes

Walk and ride to school week

Walk and ride to school week.

The school council promoted the walk and ride to school week by organising a slogan competition which seemed to develop into a poster competition. Our friend from Sustrans, Aasiya visited to deliver some Be Bright Be Seen assemblies and was amazed by all the entries to the competition. She helped Miss Williams pick the winner. Everyone received a prize for their efforts.

School Council minutes September 2023

School council minutes

Useful links and websites that may be helpful


Health for kids

Think you know


ECO Schools Green Flag congratulations

ECO School congratulation letter
Dear Mrs Gadsby

Eco-Schools Green Flag Award at Stokes Wood Primary School
I would like to congratulate you on achieving your Eco-Schools Green Flag Award during the last academic year. In Leicester we have 56 Green Flag Eco-Schools. You are part of an elite list of schools with fantastic environmental credentials. We have high environmental ambitions for Leicester, especially around supporting environmental education in our schools. It’s your hard work and dedication which makes your school standout, and which is helping Leicester achieve our environmental targets. We are really pleased to see how much work you and the students have done to develop your eco-projects, eco-code and ensure that the whole school community is involved. This is a fantastic achievement and really important to the work we are doing in Leicester to be more environmentally aware and take action during our climate emergency. Congratulations once again and keep up the great work!

Yours sincerely
Cllr Adam Clarke - Deputy City Mayor Climate, Economy and Culture

Energy Sparks East Midlands Regional Champions

The school council has been working with Mr Smith the Site Manager to reduce energy use, prevent heat loss and generally develop more sustainable ways of running our school. The school is part of the Energy Sparks project which encourages schools by providing tool kits, suggested activities for staff and pupils and a range of useful resources. Schools are given points and there is a league table. The hard work of pupils and staff meant we finished in top position and won the £500 prize.


Plastic Clever Schools Award

Stokes Wood has been awarded Plastic Clever School status.
The school council and Year 4 have worked really hard to change the way we all use plastic at school. We hope this will transfer to home to.
The school catering team have purchased reusable dishes instead of using once used plastic pots for jellies and whip etc. In addition, pupils take it in turns to wash out any plastic yogurt and ice cream pots so they can be recycled. 2 Year 4 pupils led an assembly which is being used by Picture News and the 2 Year 4 pupils were nominated for a Plastic Clever pupil voice award…..which they won. Congratulations!!
The school also achieved GREEN FLAG status once again for 2023.

Plastic Clever Conference

A group of Year 3 and Year 4 Eco-Warriors took part in the Plastic Clever Schools Conference with Mr Sorby. They completed a plastic audit, devised an action plan to recycle more yogurt pots and ice cream pots at lunchtime and put it all into place on their return. They achieved the Level 2 investigate certificate which helped the school achieve the ECO Schools Green Flag 2023.

The school council and Mr Smith, our site manager, have been investigating how to save energy and put different strategies in place. At present Stokes Wood are at the top of the Energy Sparks league for the East Midlands.

Safer Internet Day Competition