View our safeguarding statement

At Stokes Wood the safeguarding, welfare, physical and emotional well-being of our children and their families are a priority. As such, any concerns which contradict this will be acted on immediately.


Attendance Information

Attendance Policy 2024


We expect children to attend school regularly, be on time and be prepared for the day.

All children are entitled to a full-time education, and we know that children with good attendance do better at school. At Stokes Wood we work together with parents and carers to ensure that all children achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality.

Attendance is everyone’s responsibility but the Senior Leader responsible for attendance at Stokes Wood is Miss Williams.

The school day

School begins at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.20 pm. Y5 and Y6 pupils can start at 8.30am if they want and request additional support with academic work or read. Year 4 classrooms open at 8.40am. We do have before school activity clubs or breakfast clubs which start at 8.00am.

Bagels are available to all children when they arrive at school.

It is important that children arrive on time so they don’t miss any learning or any vital information which is given at the start of the day for the day. If children do arrive late they must report to school office so they can be marked present on the register and a school meal can be ordered for them.

Medical appointments

Where children have medical appointments during the day and the school have received medical evidence. Parents need report to the office to collect their child . The school office will record that the child has left the school site and will mark them back in when they return.


Our school target is 96%, last year our attendance was below target!

Religious Observance

At Stokes Wood we celebrate our diverse communities and respect our family’s religious and cultural differences.

We will authorise one day for each religious festival (to a maximum of three days in any one academic year)

Please inform the office of any religious days.



Promoting Attendance

If you need support with attendance please come and speak to the pastoral team. Our aim is to support you to reduce any barriers relating to attendance.