View our safeguarding statement

At Stokes Wood the safeguarding, welfare, physical and emotional well-being of our children and their families are a priority. As such, any concerns which contradict this will be acted on immediately.

Online Safety

Children at Stokes Wood use the Internet as an integral part of their learning. In school, we have regular Online Safety activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online.

In our changing world, children are ever more exposed to a variety of different media and information. Increasing provision of the Internet both in and out of school brings with it the need to ensure our learners are safe!

Tips Tricks and Links to help keep safe online

If you have an Online Safety concern, please contact the school via this email  using the subject ‘Online Safety Concern’ Alternatively, use the CEOP reporting tool to raise your concern.

Great Websites for Pupils

Stay Safe Online

Practise Your Typing

Safe Searching

  • Kiddle - limits the results to sites which are child friendly, it also displays them in an order and style that’s easy for children to understand.
  • Kidzsearch - this child safe search engine uses Google’s “strict” filtering technology every time, on every device.
  • Swiggle - a child friendly search engine designed to help young people with their first steps on the internet